ms2render -- render geodata, srtm, raster and vector maps


ms2render <options> <input files> -o <output file>


ms2render produce images with raster maps, tracks, waypoints, srtm data. Supported formats: jpeg, png, gif, tiff, ps, pdf, svg. Format is selected by output file extension or by --out_fmt option. Option --map can be used to save map reference for the image (OziExplorer or mapsoft2-specific geojson format.

Reference for the image should be specified. If --mkref option exists then it is created from options. If not, then reference of the first map is used, or it is set to some default value.


-h, --help

Show help message.

-o, --out <arg>

Output file.


Show help message as POD template.

-v, --verbose

Be verbose.


--in_fmt <arg>

Geodata input format (json, gu, gpx, kml, kmz, ozi, zip, mbtiles).

--xml_compr <arg>

Compress XML output (GPX and KML formats), default 0.

--xml_indent <arg>

Use XML indentation (GPX and KML formats), default 1.

--xml_ind_str <arg>

XML indentation string (GPX and KML formats), default ' '.

--xml_qchar <arg>

XML quoting character (GPX and KML formats), default '''.

--gpx_write_rte <arg>

Write waypoint lists as routes (GPX format), default 0.

--json_sort_keys <arg>

Sort json objects by keys (GeoJSON format), default 1.

--json_compact <arg>

Write compact json (GeoJSON format), default 0.

--json_indent <arg>

Use json indentation (GeoJSON format), default 1.

--ozi_map_grid <arg>

Write map reference points in grid coordinates (OziExplorer format), default 0

--ozi_map_wgs <arg>

Always use wgs84 datum for map coordinates (OziExplorer format), default 0

--gu_enc <arg>

Garmin Utils format charset (default KOI8-R).

--ozi_enc <arg>

OziExplorer format charset (default Windows-1251).


--mkref <arg>

Choose map type (nom, nom_fi, google_tile, tms_tile, proj)

--name <arg>

Set map name. For --mkref="nom" it should contain a valid Soviet nomenclature name. For --mkref="file" it should contain map-file name.

--dpi <arg>

Map resolution, pixels per inch ("nom" and "proj" maps)


Orient map to north ("nom" maps)

--margins <arg>

Map margins, pixels ("nom" and "proj" maps).

--top_margin <arg>

Override top margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).

--left_margin <arg>

Override left margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).

--right_margin <arg>

Override right margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).

--bottom_margin <arg>

Override bottom margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).

--zindex <arg>

Tile zindex ("*_tile" maps). Can be skipped if tile argument has the form [x,y,z]

--tiles <arg>

Tile or tile range ("*_tile" maps), [x,y], [x,y,z], or [x,y,w,h]

--coords <arg>

Figure in projection coordinates (rectangle or lines) to be covered by the map ("proj" maps). Figure can be a rectangle written as [x,y,w,h], or a line, [[x1,y1],[x2,y2], ...], or a multi-segment line, [<line>, <line>, ...].

--coords_wgs <arg>

Figure in wgs84 coordinates to be covered by the map ("*_tile" or "proj" maps), a rectangle, a line, or a multi-segment line.

--coords_file <arg>

Use tracks and points in the file to calculate map size ("*_tile" or "proj" maps).

--coords_nom <arg>

Use Soviet nomenclature name calculate map size ("*_tile" or "proj" maps).

--border <arg>

Map border in projection coordinates (For --mkref="proj" maps), a line or a multi-segment line.

--proj <arg>

Projection setting, "libproj" parameter string (e.g. "+datum=WGS84 +proj=lonlat") or mapsoft2 alias ("WGS", "WEB", "FI", "CH", "SU39", etc.).Default is WGS.

--scale <arg>

Map scale, projection units per map cm ("proj" maps). Default value is 0.01 degree/cm for degree projections, 1000m/cm for metric projections.

--mag <arg>

1. Map magnification (with --mkref nom)2. When using existing map as a reference source, rescale it.

--border_wgs <arg>

Set map border in wgs84 coordinates (argument is a line or a multi-segment line).

--border_file <arg>

Set map border from track in a file.


--trk_draw_mode <arg>

Track drawing mode (normal, speed, height, default - normal).

--trk_draw_transp <arg>

Use transparent color (0..1, default - 0.5).

--trk_draw_dots <arg>

Draw dots (for normal drawing mode), default: 1.

--trk_draw_width <arg>

Track width factor, default: 3px.

--trk_draw_smin <arg>

Min value for speed mode [km/h].

--trk_draw_smax <arg>

Max value for speed mode [km/h].

--trk_draw_hmin <arg>

Min value for height mode [m].

--trk_draw_hmax <arg>

Max value for height mode [m].

--trk_draw_grad <arg>

Color gradient (for speed or height modes), default: BCGYRM.


--wpt_text_font <arg>

Waypoint font (default: "serif").

--wpt_text_size <arg>

Waypoint font size, pixels (default: 10).

--wpt_text_pad <arg>

Waypoint text padding, pixels (default: 2).

--wpt_draw_size <arg>

Waypoint dot radius, pixels (default: 3).

--wpt_line_width <arg>

Waypoint line width, (default: 1).

--wpt_stick_len <arg>

Length of waypoint flag stick (default: 10).

--wpt_color <arg>

Waypoint color (default: 0xFF000000).

--wpt_bgcolor <arg>

Waypoint background color (default: 0xFFFFFFFF).

--wpt_adj <arg>

Adjust waypoint flag positions to prevent mutual collisions (default: 1).

--wpt_adj_brd <arg>

Adjust waypoint flag positions to prevent boundary collisions (default: 0).

--wpt_skip_far <arg>

Skip points if their labels can not be placed close enough (default: 10*wpt_stick_len).


--map_smooth <arg>

Smooth map drawing, interpolation for small scales, averaging for large ones, (0|1, default - 0).

--map_clip_brd <arg>

Clip map to its border (default 1).

--map_draw_refs <arg>

Draw map reference points (ARGB color, default 0).

--map_draw_brd <arg>

Draw map border (ARGB color, default 0).

--map_fade <arg>

Color to fade the map (default is 0, no fading).

--map_min_sc <arg>

Min scale (<map pixels>/<image pixels>) (default is 0.1).

--map_max_sc <arg>

Max scale (<map pixels>/<image pixels>) (default is 10).

--map_def_col <arg>

Color to paint the map outside min_sc/max_sc (default is 0x80FF0000).

--htm <arg>

Write html map for the image.


-t, --types <arg>

File with type information. Default: /usr/share/mapsoft2/types.cfg

-q, --quite <arg>

Be quiet, do not print types of skipped objects. Default: 0. This works when reading/writing MP, VMAP, writing FIG.

--skip_unknown <arg>

Skip objects which are not defined in typeinfo file. Default: 0. This works when reading/writing MP, VMAP.

--min_depth <arg>

minimum depth of map object (default 40)

--max_depth <arg>

minimum depth of map object (default 200)

--trk_type <arg>

select type for GPX waypoint import/export

--wpt_type <arg>

select type for GPX track import/export

--wpt_pref <arg>

prefix for waypoint names (names w/o prefix are skipped). Default: "="

--fig_enc <arg>

Encoding for reading/writing fig files (default: KOI8-R). When reading utf8 files with a special comment (made by xfig>3.2.9) this option is ignored.

--def_label_type <arg>

When reading VMAP file, set type number for labels which are not defined in typeinfo file. Use -1 to skip unknown labels (default). If skip_unknown is set then labels are skipped with unknown objects.

--mp_enc <arg>

Override encoding for reading MP-files (does not change CodePage setting)

-c, --config <arg>

Configuration file for vector map rendering. Default: /usr/share/mapsoft2/render.cfg

--obj_scale <arg>

Rescaling factor for all objects, default 1.0.

--vmap_minsc <arg>

Minimum map scale (calculated from the 'natural' reference). Below it the map is drawn by with color (see --vmap2_minsc_color option). Default is 0.01


Adjust pattern size to fit image size. This option is useful for generating tiled images. Default: false.

--vmap_minsc_color <arg>

Color to draw maps below minimum scale (see --vmap2_minsc). Default is 0xFFDB5A00).

-D, --define <arg>

Define variables for type information and render configuration.


--srtm_dir <arg>

Set srtm data folder, default - $HOME/.srtm_data

--srtm_use_overlay <arg>

Use overlay (0|1, default 1).

--srtm_interp <arg>

Interpolation (nearest, linear, cubic. Default: linear).

--srtm_draw_mode <arg>

SRTM surface drawing mode (slopes, heights, shades, default - shades).

--srtm_hmin <arg>

Min height [m] for heights and shades modes (default - 0).

--srtm_hmax <arg>

Max height [m] for heights and shades modes (default - 5000).

--srtm_smin <arg>

Min slope [deg] for slopes mode (default - 35).

--srtm_smax <arg>

Max slope [deg] for slopes mode (default - 50).

--srtm_bgcolor <arg>

Color to draw no-data and out-of-scale areas (default 0x60FF0000).

--srtm_surf <arg>

draw SRTM color surface (default 1).

--srtm_cnt <arg>

Draw contours (0|1, default - 1).

--srtm_cnt_step <arg>
Contour step [m], default 50.
--srtm_cnt_vtol <arg>
altitude tolerance for smoothing contours [m], default 5
--srtm_cnt_smult <arg>
Step multiplier for thick contours, default - 5.
--srtm_cnt_col <arg>
Contour color, default - 0xFF000000.
--srtm_cnt_w <arg>
Contour line width, default - 0.25.
--srtm_cnt_wmult <arg>
Width multiplier for thick contours, default - 2.
--srtm_cnt_crv <arg>
Size of round corners on contours, in linewidth units, default - 20.
--srtm_holes <arg>
Draw contours around data holes (1|0, default - 0).
--srtm_holes_col <arg>
Color of hole contours, default - 0xFF000000.
--srtm_holes_w <arg>
Linewidth of hole contours, default - 1.
--srtm_peaks <arg>
Draw summits (0|1, default - 0).
--srtm_peaks_col <arg>
Summit's color, default - 0xFF000000.
--srtm_peaks_w <arg>
Summit point size, default - 3.
--srtm_peaks_dh <arg>
DH parameter for peak finder [m], default - 20.
--srtm_peaks_ps <arg>
PS parameter fr peak finder [pts], default - 1000.
--srtm_peaks_text <arg>
Draw peak text (0|1, default - 1).
--srtm_peaks_text_size <arg>
Peak text size, default - 10.
--srtm_peaks_text_font <arg>
Peak text font, default - serif.

Add SRTM layer


--tiff_format <arg>

When writing TIFF, convert image to one of following forms: argb, rgb, argb64, rgb64, grey, pal (default depends on the image).

--tiff_compression <arg>

Set compression algorythm for writing TIFF files: none, ccit_rle, ccit_rlew, ccit_fax3, ccit_fax4, lzw (default), jpeg, packbits

--tiff_minwhite <arg>

When writing greyscale TIFF, use MINISWHITE colors (default: 0).

--jpeg_quality <arg>

Set JPEG quality for writing jpeg and tiff files (default 95).

--png_format <arg>

When writing PNG, convert image to one of following forms: argb, rgb, grey, agrey, pal (default depends on the image).

--cmap_colors <arg>

Colormap size for reducing image colors (0..256, default 255, if 0 - use all colors). Image colors are reduced when saving to GIF, to PNG with --png_format=pal, to TIFF with --tiff_format=pal.

--cmap_alpha <arg>

Alpha channel: none (default) -- remove it; full -- treat it equally with other channels; gif -- keep only fully-transparent color, if needed. When saving GIF file (which supports only fully transparent color) "full" works in the same way as "gif".

--cmap_dim_method <arg>

Analog of pnmcolormap options -spreadbrightness and -spreadluminosity. When a box in the color space is measured, color dimensions can be treated equally or with luminosity factors. Values: norm (default) or lumin.

--cmap_rep_method <arg>

Analog of pnmcolormap options -center, -meancolor, and -meanpixel. When a box in the color space is chosen, it can be represented by its geometrical center, or by averaging pixels or colors in it. Values: center, meanpix (default), meancol.

--cmap_split_method <arg>

Analog of pnmcolormap options -splitpix, -splitcol, -splitdim. How to choose a box in the color space for splitting: by its maximum dimension, maximum number of pixels or colors in it. Values: maxdim (default), maxpix, maxcol.

--cmap_save <arg>

Save colormap to PNG file.

--cmap_load <arg>

Load colormap from PNG file.

--cmap_add <arg>

Add a color to colormap (useful to add transparent color to non-transparent colormap) TODO: allow multiple colors.

--out_fmt <arg>

Explicitely set image output format: pdf, ps, svg, png, jpeg, tiff, gif. By default format is determined from the output file extension.


If image file exists, read it and use as the background. The image should have same dimensions.

--bgcolor <arg>

Image background color (default 0xFFFFFFFF for normal maps, 0 for tiled maps).

--fillcolor <arg>

Color to be used at tiled map with z<zfill level (default 0xFFFF0000).

-m, --map <arg>

Write OziExplorer map file for the image.


Do not write image file (can be used if only the map file is needed). Option -o <file> should be provided anyway, the filename will be written to the map-file.

--title <arg>

write text in the top-left corner.

--title_size <arg>

Font size for the title.


Write tiled map. In this case `fname` parameter should contain a template with {x}, {y}, {z} fields. Output of map file is not supported at the moment. `mkref` options are ignored. Sub-directories are created if needed.

--zmin <arg>

Min zoom for tiled maps.

--zmax <arg>

Max zoom for tiled maps.

--zfill <arg>

Starting from this zoom level tiled map will be filled with fillcolor

--tmap_scale <arg>

When creating tiles with multiple zoom levels scale larger tiles to create smaller ones (instead of rendering all tiles separately). Default: 0.


Normally tiled maps are saved in Google row counting; This will switch to TMS


Do not save image if nothing was drawn. Default: 0


--downloader_log_level <arg>

log level (0..3, default: 0)

--insecure <arg>

do not check TLS certificate (default: 0)

--user_agent <arg>

set user agent (default: "mapsoft2 downloader")

--http_ref <arg>

set http reference (default: "")

WARNING: options have not been printed: osm_conf (group: OSM)

WARNING: options have not been printed: osm_ids (group: OSM)

WARNING: options have not been printed: osm_tags (group: OSM)


Vladislav Zavjalov <>