A collection of tools and libraries for working with maps and geo-data.
We started writing programs for handling GPS-data and maps since
first GPS-receivers appeared in our hiking group at 1997-1998. First it
was tools for downloading tracks, putting them on a map, editing, and
uploading back to GPS. When we started creating our own maps:
hiking maps
of Moscow region and some
mountain regions.
All programs for working with geodata, raster and vector maps, SRTM-data,
etc, have been collected to mapsoft project.
Mapsoft2 is an attempt to rewrite these programs fixing some
fundamental problems and improving the code.
- ms2conv -- Convert geodata. Formats: GPX, KMZ/KML, OziExplorer,
GeoJSON, GarminUtils, ZIP.
- ms2geofig -- Working with geo-referenced FIG files. Adding/extracting geodata, adding raster maps, DEM
- ms2img -- Convert raster images.
- ms2mp -- Convert MP files. Mostly for mapsoft2 testing.
- ms2nom -- Program for soviet nomenclature map
calculations. Coordinates of a map sheet, adjacent sheets, sheets
covering a given region, etc.
- ms2proj -- Geo coordinate converter.
- ms2render -- Render vector and raster maps,
geodata, DEM data.
- ms2tiles -- Program for TMS/Google tile
calculations. Coordinates of a tile, tiles covering a given region,
- ms2view -- Viewer for geodata and raster maps.
- ms2vmap -- Convert vector maps. Supported formats:
vmap2db, vmap2, vmap, mp, fig.
- ms2vmapdb -- Working with vector map database (vmap2db).
- ms2xyz -- Program for writing tracks as
text tables. Time, distance, velocity calculations, adjustable format.
Here - more or less stable programs, - unstable
programs, interface will be changed, - unusable programs.
Vladislav Zavjalov, slazav at altlinux dot org