ms2img -- mapsoft2 converter for raster images


ms2img <options> <input file> <output file>


ms2conv converts raster images (PNG, TIFF, GIF, JPG). Can be used to change image format, colormap or scale.


-h, --help

Show help message.


Show help message as POD template.

-v, --verbose

Be verbose.

Options for saving images

--img_out_fmt <arg>

Explicitely set image format: jpeg, png, gif, tiff

--tiff_format <arg>

When writing TIFF, convert image to one of following forms: argb, rgb, grey, pal (default depends on the image).

--tiff_compression <arg>

Set compression algorythm for writing TIFF files: none, ccit_rle, ccit_rlew, ccit_fax3, ccit_fax4, lzw (default), jpeg, packbits

--tiff_minwhite <arg>

When writing greyscale TIFF, use MINISWHITE colors (default: 0).

--jpeg_quality <arg>

Set JPEG quality for writing jpeg and tiff files (default 95).

--png_format <arg>

When writing PNG, convert image to one of following forms: argb, rgb, grey, agrey, pal (default depends on the image).

--cmap_colors <arg>

Colormap size for reducing image colors (0..256, default 255, if 0 - use all colors). Image colors are reduced when saving to GIF, to PNG with --png_format=pal, to TIFF with --tiff_format=pal.

--cmap_alpha <arg>

Alpha channel: none (default) -- remove it; full -- treat it equally with other channels; gif -- keep only fully-transparent color, if needed. When saving GIF file (which supports only fully transparent color) "full" works in the same way as "gif".

--cmap_dim_method <arg>

Analog of pnmcolormap options -spreadbrightness and -spreadluminosity. When a box in the color space is measured, color dimensions can be treated equally or with luminosity factors. Values: norm (default) or lumin.

--cmap_rep_method <arg>

Analog of pnmcolormap options -center, -meancolor, and -meanpixel. When a box in the color space is chosen, it can be represented by its geometrical center, or by averaging pixels or colors in it. Values: center, meanpix (default), meancol.

--cmap_split_method <arg>

Analog of pnmcolormap options -splitpix, -splitcol, -splitdim. How to choose a box in the color space for splitting: by its maximum dimension, maximum number of pixels or colors in it. Values: maxdim (default), maxpix, maxcol.

--cmap_save <arg>

Save colormap to PNG file.

--cmap_load <arg>

Load colormap from PNG file.

--cmap_add <arg>

Add a color to colormap (useful to add transparent color to non-transparent colormap) TODO: allow multiple colors.

--scale <arg>

Downscaling factor, integer value (default: 1)


Vladislav Zavjalov <>