ms2geofig -- working with geo-referenced fig files
ms2geofig (-h|--help|--pod)
ms2geofig <action> (-h|--help)
ms2geofig <action> [<action arguments and options>]
Show help message.
Show help message as POD template.
ms2geofig create -- create referenced fig file
ms2geofig add -- add geodata (tracks, waypoints, maps) to referenced fig file
ms2geofig del -- delete geodata to referenced fig file
ms2geofig get -- extract geodata from fig file
ms2geofig srtm -- add DEM data to referenced fig file
ms2geofig make_ref -- make fig reference using matching geodata
ms2vmap create [<options>] -o <output file>
Choose map type (nom, nom_fi, google_tile, tms_tile, proj)
Set map name. For --mkref="nom" it should contain a valid Soviet nomenclature name. For --mkref="file" it should contain map-file name.
Map resolution, pixels per inch ("nom" and "proj" maps)
Map magnification ("nom" maps)
Orient map to north ("nom" maps)
Map margins, pixels ("nom" and "proj" maps).
Override top margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).
Override left margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).
Override right margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).
Override bottom margin value ("nom" and "proj" maps).
Tile zindex ("*_tile" maps). Can be skipped if tile argument has the form [x,y,z]
Tile or tile range ("*_tile" maps), [x,y], [x,y,z], or [x,y,w,h]
Figure in projection coordinates (rectangle or lines) to be covered by the map ("proj" maps). Figure can be a rectangle written as [x,y,w,h], or a line, [[x1,y1],[x2,y2], ...], or a multi-segment line, [<line>, <line>, ...].
Figure in wgs84 coordinates to be covered by the map ("*_tile" or "proj" maps), a rectangle, a line, or a multi-segment line.
Use tracks and points in the file to calculate map size ("*_tile" or "proj" maps).
Use Soviet nomenclature name calculate map size ("*_tile" or "proj" maps).
Map border in projection coordinates (For --mkref="proj" maps), a line or a multi-segment line.
Projection setting, "libproj" parameter string (e.g. "+datum=WGS84 +proj=lonlat") or mapsoft2 alias ("WGS", "WEB", "FI", "CH", "SU39", etc.).Default is WGS.
Map scale, projection units per map cm ("proj" maps). Default value is 0.01 degree/cm for degree projections, 1000m/cm for metric projections.
Set map border in wgs84 coordinates (argument is a line or a multi-segment line).
Set map border from track in a file.
Output file.
Encoding for reading/writing fig files (default: KOI8-R). When reading utf8 files with a special comment (made by xfig>3.2.9) this option is ignored.
Template for reference points (default: "2 1 0 4 4 7 1 -1 -1 0.000 0 1 -1 0 0").
Template for border lines (default: "2 3 0 1 5 7 2 -1 -1 0.000 0 0 7 0 0").
Create standard map n30-068 (1km at 1cm) as a FIG file: > ms2geofig create --mkref nom --name n30-068 -o n30-068.fig
ms2vmap add [<options>] <files> -o <output file>
Geodata input format (json, gu, gpx, kml, kmz, ozi, zip, mbtiles).
Garmin Utils format charset (default KOI8-R).
OziExplorer format charset (default Windows-1251).
Output file.
Encoding for reading/writing fig files (default: KOI8-R). When reading utf8 files with a special comment (made by xfig>3.2.9) this option is ignored.
Convert tracks and points to fig as simple lines, without any additional information.
Template for track lines (default: "2 1 0 1 1 7 7 0 -1 1 1 1 -1 0 0").
Template for waypoints (default: "2 1 0 2 0 7 6 0 -1 1 1 1 -1 0 0").
Template for waypoint labels (default: "4 0 8 5 -1 18 6 0.0000 4").
Tile size for raster maps (default 1024).
FIG depth for raster maps (default 500).
Margins for raster maps (pixels, default 50).
Directory for raster map tiles (default <filename>.img).
Put all new objects into a fig compound.
Add a comment to all created fig objects.
Smooth map drawing, interpolation for small scales, averaging for large ones, (0|1, default - 0).
Clip map to its border (default 1).
Draw map reference points (ARGB color, default 0).
Draw map border (ARGB color, default 0).
Color to fade the map (default is 0, no fading).
Min scale (<map pixels>/<image pixels>) (default is 0.1).
Max scale (<map pixels>/<image pixels>) (default is 10).
Color to paint the map outside min_sc/max_sc (default is 0x80FF0000).
Add track to the file: > ms2geofig add Current.gpx -o n30-068.fig
ms2vmap del [<options>] -o <output file>
Delete waypoints.
Delete tracks.
Delete maps.
Delete waypoints, tracks, maps.
Delete reference.
Output file.
Encoding for reading/writing fig files (default: KOI8-R). When reading utf8 files with a special comment (made by xfig>3.2.9) this option is ignored.
ms2vmap get [<options>] <fig file> -o <output file>
Get waypoints.
Get tracks.
Get maps.
Get waypoints, tracks, maps.
Get fig reference.
Output file.
Geodata output format (json, gu, gpx, kml, kmz, ozi, zip).
Compress XML output (GPX and KML formats), default 0.
Use XML indentation (GPX and KML formats), default 1.
XML indentation string (GPX and KML formats), default ' '.
XML quoting character (GPX and KML formats), default '''.
Write waypoint lists as routes (GPX format), default 0.
Sort json objects by keys (GeoJSON format), default 1.
Write compact json (GeoJSON format), default 0.
Use json indentation (GeoJSON format), default 1.
Write map reference points in grid coordinates (OziExplorer format), default 0
Always use wgs84 datum for map coordinates (OziExplorer format), default 0
Garmin Utils format charset (default KOI8-R).
OziExplorer format charset (default Windows-1251).
ms2vmap srtm [<options>] -o <output file>
Set srtm data folder, default - $HOME/.srtm_data
Use overlay (0|1, default 1).
Interpolation (nearest, linear, cubic. Default: linear).
Make contours, default: 1
Contour step [m], default: 100
Tolerance for smoothing contours [m], default: 5.0
Radius for smoothing contours [srtm grid units], default: 10.0
Thick contour multiplier, default: 5, every 5th contour is thick
FIG template for contours, default: 2 1 0 1 #D0B090 7 90 -1 -1 0.000 1 1 0 0 0
FIG template for thick contours, default: 2 1 0 2 #D0B090 7 90 -1 -1 0.000 1 1 0 0 0
Make large slope contours, default: 1
Threshold value for slope contour, [deg], default: 35
Tolerance for smoothing slope contours [deg], default: 5.0
Radius for smoothing slope contours [srtm grid units], default: 10.0
FIG template for large slopes, default: 2 3 0 1 24 24 91 -1 -1 0.000 1 1 7 0 0
Make peaks points, default: 1
DH parameter for peak finder [m], default: 20
PS parameter for peak finder [pts], default: 1000
FIG template for peaks, default: 2 1 0 3 24 7 57 -1 -1 0.000 0 1 -1 0 0
Trace rivers, default: 0
PS parameter for river tracing [pts], default: 10000
Sink area threshold for river tracing [mk^2], default: 1.0
FIG template for rivers, default: 2 1 0 1 #5066FF 7 86 -1 -1 0.000 1 1 0 0 0
Trace mountain ridges (default: 0)
PS parameter for ridge tracing [pts], default - 10000.
Sink area threshold for ridge tracing [mk^2], default: 0.5
FIG template for ridges, default: 2 1 0 2 26 7 89 -1 -1 0.000 1 1 0 0 0
Remove existing objects before adding new ones.
Put all new objects into a fig compound.
Add a comment to all created fig objects.
Crop objects to nomenclature region.
Crop objects to a rectangle.
tolerance for RDP line filtering [fig units], default 5.
Output file.
Encoding for reading/writing fig files (default: KOI8-R). When reading utf8 files with a special comment (made by xfig>3.2.9) this option is ignored.
ms2vmap make_ref [<options>] <files> -o <output file>
Fig file should contain track or waypoint objects (lines or points with TRK <name> or WPT <name> comment) with same name as in the geodata. For each point of such data a reference point is added.
This can be used to make reference for a map: add raster image witn "MAP <name>" comment; optionally draw border with "BRD <name>" comment; draw a line through some points with "TRK <name1>" comment; somewhere else make a track through same points on a referenced map with <name1> name; do make_ref <track file> -o <fig file>; extract map reference from fig file using ms2geofig get -M <fig file> -o <map file>.
Geodata input format (json, gu, gpx, kml, kmz, ozi, zip, mbtiles).
Garmin Utils format charset (default KOI8-R).
OziExplorer format charset (default Windows-1251).
Output file.
Encoding for reading/writing fig files (default: KOI8-R). When reading utf8 files with a special comment (made by xfig>3.2.9) this option is ignored.
Vladislav Zavjalov <>