ms2conv -- mapsoft2 converter for geodata and raster maps


ms2conv <options> <input files> -o <output file>


ms2conv reads geodata from files (OziExplorer, GPX, KML, GeoJSON, GarminUtils, ZIP formats are supported). Then it applies filters and saves data to the output file.


-h, --help

Show help message.

-o, --out <arg>

Output file.


Show help message as POD template.

-v, --verbose

Be verbose.


--in_fmt <arg>

Geodata input format (json, gu, gpx, kml, kmz, ozi, zip, mbtiles).

--out_fmt <arg>

Geodata output format (json, gu, gpx, kml, kmz, ozi, zip).

--xml_compr <arg>

Compress XML output (GPX and KML formats), default 0.

--xml_indent <arg>

Use XML indentation (GPX and KML formats), default 1.

--xml_ind_str <arg>

XML indentation string (GPX and KML formats), default ' '.

--xml_qchar <arg>

XML quoting character (GPX and KML formats), default '''.

--gpx_write_rte <arg>

Write waypoint lists as routes (GPX format), default 0.

--json_sort_keys <arg>

Sort json objects by keys (GeoJSON format), default 1.

--json_compact <arg>

Write compact json (GeoJSON format), default 0.

--json_indent <arg>

Use json indentation (GeoJSON format), default 1.

--ozi_map_grid <arg>

Write map reference points in grid coordinates (OziExplorer format), default 0

--ozi_map_wgs <arg>

Always use wgs84 datum for map coordinates (OziExplorer format), default 0

--gu_enc <arg>

Garmin Utils format charset (default KOI8-R).

--ozi_enc <arg>

OziExplorer format charset (default Windows-1251).


--skip <arg>

Skip part of geodata. Argument is a string which letters show what to skip: W - waypoints, T - tracks, M - maps, t - time, z - altitude, b - map borders.


Join all waypoint lists, tracks, map lists.

--trk_num <arg>

Select track for trk_name/trk_comm options (starting from 1, default is 0 which means all tracks)

--trk_name <arg>

Set name for track(s)

--trk_comm <arg>

Set comment for track(s)

--maplist_num <arg>

Select map list for maplist_name/maplist_comm options (starting from 1, default is 0 which means all map lists)

--maplist_name <arg>

Set name for map list(s)

--maplist_comm <arg>

Set comment for map list(s)

--wptlist_num <arg>

Select wpt list for wptlist_name/wptlist_comm options (starting from 1, default is 0 which means all wpt lists)

--wptlist_name <arg>

Set name for wpt list(s)

--wptlist_comm <arg>

Set comment for wpt list(s)


Set map border for a Soviet nomenclature map (the map should have a valid name).

--rescale_maps <arg>

Rescale image part of map references by some factor.

--shift_maps <arg>

Shift image part of map references by some (x,y) vector.

--trk_reduce_acc <arg>

Reduce number of track points. Argument is accuracy in meters, default: 0

--trk_reduce_num <arg>

Reduce number of track points. Argument is maximum point number, default: 0. Both --trk_reduce_acc and --trk_reduce_num can exist. Works separately for each track segment.


Vladislav Zavjalov <>