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ROTA-specific functions and constants

See also source files: he3_rota.f and he3_const.f.

Library functions

rota_c_ns(T, I) Nuclear stage heat capacity [J/K] vs T[K] and I[A]
$C_{ns} = 9.66 \cdot 10^{-5}\ {\rm [J/T^2]} \ (0.113\ {\rm [T/A]}\ I/T)^2$
rota_fork_cal(w,p,N) Calibration of fork $N$, temperature $T/T_c$, vs fork width $w$ [Hz] and pressure $P$ [bar]
$w = a \exp\left(-\frac{\Delta_{\rm WC+}(P, T/T_c)}{T/T_c}\right),$
$a = \alpha \ p_F^4(P),$ where $\alpha$ is a geometrical factor
$N=1:\qquad $ Fork K, calibration 30.4.2010, $P=29$ bar, $a = 11700$
$N=2:\qquad $ Fork E, calibration 30.4.2010, $P=29$ bar, $a = 17543$
rota_rcell cell radius
rota_nmra field/current in nmrA solenoid [G/A]
rota_nmrb field/current in nmrB solenoid [G/A]
rota_nmra_q(f0) Q value of the nmrA spectrometer vs frequency
rota_nmra_f(n) frequencies of nmrA spectrometer,kHz for n=1..8
rota_hmina_r effective radius of the HminA coil [cm]
rota_hmina_n number of turns of the HminA coil, 4
rota_hmina field/current in the center of HminA coil [G/A]
rota_hmina_mr quadratic radial term of the HminA field, [G/A/cm$^2$]
rota_hmina_i0i effectve HminA coil current divided by NMR current
rota_hmina_i0f effectve HminA coil current divided by NMR frequency
rota_rrda radiation damping constant $R_{RD}$ for the nmrA spectrometer
rota_Bza(I,Imin,r,z) Bz field profile of A spectrometer

Model of the zero-temperature, zero-rotation condensate, based on spectra measurements

rota_qball_dbetan(P,f0) Derivative of the textural angle $\beta_N$ in the center of the cell, [rad/cm].
$1/2$ of the distance between visible axial and radial levels, [Hz]
Axial and radial sizes of the magnon condensate, [cm]
rota_qball_trd0(P,f0,Imin) $\tau_{RD}$ for the magnon condensate, [s]

Extension for non-zero rotation

rota_qball_trd(P,f0,fr,fz) $\tau_{RD}$ for the magnon condensate with given radial and axial frequencies (rota-specific) [s]