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Phase diagram

See also source files: he3_phase.f and he3_const.f.
Phase diagram in a magnetic field can be found in the B$_2$-phase section.


Library functions

Vapor pressure and critical point (1962 He3 scale of temperatures)

he3_pvap(T) Vapor pressure [bar] vs temperature [K],
$T = 0.2 - 3.324$ K
he3_pcr Gas-liquid critical point pressure, 1.16317 [bar]
he3_tcr Gas-liquid critical point temperature, 3.324 [K]

Greywall-86 temperature scale

The scale is defined below 0.25 mK. Melting curve is extended to 31 K using data from PLTS2000 (0.25-1 K, including data for the melting curve minimum), Abraham et al. and Mills et al. (2.0-31 K).

he3_pmelt(T) Melting pressure [bar] vs temperature [K],
$T = 0.0009 - 31$ K
he3_pm Melting curve minimum pressure, $29.3113$ [bar]
he3_tm Melting curve minimum temperature, $0.31524$ [K]
he3_pa Superfluid trans. at melting curve, pressure, 34.3380 [bar]
he3_ta Superfluid trans. at melting curve, temp., 2.491 [mK]
he3_pb A-B trans. at melting curve, pressure, 34.3580 [bar]
he3_tb A-B trans. at melting curve, temp., 1.932 [mK]
he3_ps Neel transition at melting curve, pressure, 34.3905 [bar]
he3_ts Neel transition at melting curve, temp., 0.9291 [mK]
he3_tc(P) Superfluid transition temperature [mK] vs pressure [bar],
$P = 0 - 34.358 $ bar
he3_tab(P) A-B transition temperature [mK] vs pressure [bar],
$P = 0 - 34.3609$ bar, below 21.22 bar is equal to he3_tc
he3_tabn A-B-Normal point temperature, 2.2730 [mK]
he3_pabn A-B-Normal point pressure, 21.22 [bar]

PLTS-2000 temperature scale

The scale includes the melting curve in the range 0.9mK - 1K and critical points on it. Melting curve is extended to 31 K using data from Abraham et al. and Mills et al. Functions for $T_c$ and $T_{ab}$, as well as A-B-N critical point are interpoleted using Greywall's data.

he3_pmelt_plts(T) PLTS-2000 melting presure [bar] vs temperature [K].
he3_pa_plts Superfluid trans. at melting curve, pressure, 34.3407 [bar]
he3_ta_plts Superfluid trans. at melting curve, temp., 2.444 [mK]
he3_pb_plts A-B trans. at melting curve, pressure, 34.3609 [bar]
he3_tb_plts A-B trans. at melting curve, temp., 1.896 [mK]
he3_ps_plts Neel transition at melting curve, pressure, 34.3934 [bar]
he3_ts_plts Neel transition at melting curve, temp., 0.902 [mK]
he3_tc_plts(P) Superfluid transition temperature [mK] vs pressure [bar]
he3_tab_plts(P) A-B transition temperature [mK] vs pressure [bar]
he3_tabn_plts A-B-Normal point temperature, 2.2315 [mK]
he3_pabn_plts A-B-Normal point pressure, 21.222 [bar]

TODO: Add switch between Greywall and PLTS scales.
