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B-phase energy gap, normal fluid density, susceptibility

BCS energy gap + trivial strong coupling correction + some values derived from energy gap.

See also the source file: he3_gap.f.


Library functions

he3_bcsgap(ttc) BCS gap for 3He-B in $T_c$ units.
he3_bcsdgap2(ttc) Derivative of the BCS gap $d(\Delta^2)/d(T/T_c)$.
he3_bcsgap_fast(ttc) Einzel approximation for BCS gap (0.5% accuracy, 70 times faster).
(Einzel-1991, f.68)
he3_trivgap(ttc,p) Trivial strong-coupling (or weak-couplig-plus, WCP) correction to the BCS gap. Tabulated values from Sirene-Rainer-1983 paper are used. Note that derivative of the gap squared in $T_c$ is not strictly proportional to the heat capacity jump. This probably shows that exact heat capacity calculation requires WCP energy terms, not just BCS calculations with modified gap...
he3_bcsdgap2(ttc, p) Derivative of the WCP gap $d(\Delta^2)/d(T/T_c)$.
he3_todogap(ttc,p) Gap based on Todoschenko's measurements: linear interpolation in density between BCS value at zero bar and measured value 1.99 at melting pressure. Temperature behaviour as in he3_trivgap.
he3_gap(ttc,p) Wrapper for the gap used everywhere in the lib (trivgap by default).
he3_egap(ttc,p) he3_gap expressed in energy units [erg] rather then $T_c$.
he3_yosida(ttc,gap,n) Yosida functions $Y_n(T/T_c,\Delta) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left(\frac{\xi_k}{E_k}\right)^n \ \frac{1}{2T/T_c}\ \mbox{ch}^{-2}\left(\frac{E_k}{2T/T_c}\right)\ d\xi_k$
Note: type of n parameter should be real*8 (this is done for standard function handling).
he3_yosida_s(ttc,gap) Entropy Yosida function $Y_s(T/T_c,\Delta) = \frac{3}{\pi^2} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left(\frac{E_k}{T/T_c}\right)^2 \ \frac{1}{2T/T_c}\ \mbox{ch}^{-2}\left(\frac{E_k}{2T/T_c}\right)\ d\xi_k$
he3_yosida_c(ttc,gap,dgap2) Heat Capacity Yosida function $Y_c(T/T_c,\Delta) = Y_s + T/T_c \frac{d}{dT/T_c} Y_s$
Gap derivative should be provided as a third argument.
Various functions
he3_rho_nb(ttc, p) B-phase normal component density: $\frac{\rho_B^n}{\rho_{N}} = \frac{(3 + F_1^s) Y_0}{3 + F_1^s Y_0}$
he3_chi_b(ttc, p) B-phase susceptibility (ratio of he3_chi_n): $\frac{\chi_B}{\chi_N} = \frac{(1+F_0^a)(2 + Y_0)}{3+F_0^a(2 + Y_0)}$
he3_chi_bp(ttc, p) B-phase Cooper pair susceptibility (ratio of he3_chi_b): $\frac{\chi^p_B}{\chi_B} = \frac{2 (1-Y_2)}{(2 + Y_0)}$
he3_c_b(ttc, p) B-phase heat capacity, $C/R$