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See also the source file: he3_const.f.

const_na $N_A = 6.02214129 \cdot 10^{23}$ [1/mol] Avogadro constant
const_kb $k_B = 1.3806488 \cdot 10^{-16}$ [erg/K] Boltsman constant
const_r $R = 8.314472 \cdot 10^{7}$ [sgs] R-gas constant
const_h $h = 6.62606957 \cdot 10^{27}$ [g cm$^2$/s] Plank constant
const_hbar $\hbar = h/2\pi = 1.054571726 \cdot 10^{27}$ [g cm$^2$/s]
const_mu0 $\mu_0 = 1.2566370614$ [G cm/A] Vacuum permeability
const_ev $1eV = $ 1.602176634\cdot 10^{-12} [erg] Electronvolt
const_pi $\pi = 3.1415926535897932$
const_2pi $2\pi$
he3_amass $m_3 = 5.0079 \cdot 10^{-24}$ [g] $^3$He atom mass,
he3_mmass $\mu_3 = N_A m_3 = 3.0158$ [g/mol] $^3$He molar mass,
he3_gyro $\gamma = 20378$ [(G s)$^{-1}$] $^3$He gyromagnetic ratio